H2Excellence Organized Its First Online Seminar

CIEMAT – The Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research, a Spanish partner in the H2Excellence Erasmus+ project, organized an online seminar at CIEMAT headquarters on Thursday, April 18, 2024. The H2EXCELLENCE project was disseminated in the seminar which is dedicated to “Advanced Materials for Hydrogen Production and Uses,” which was organized by the Unit of Functional Materials for Hydrogen Technologies (FUNMATECH2) of CIEMAT and the Spanish Platform on Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials (MATERPLAT). During the day, fifteen presentations from the energy business field (H2Greem, Tactica Industrial, Cepsa, Matteco, and ITP Aero), government institutions (MITECO), technological centres (AIMPLAS), the Spanish Hydrogen Technological Platform (PTeH2), and research institutions (CENER, INTA, and CIEMAT) were followed with interest by more than a hundred attendees. As the main conclusion of the event, it was remarked that research on materials is crucial to progress in the implementation of hydrogen technologies. The training of a competent workforce with skills and competencies aligned with market needs was highlighted by the representatives of the hydrogen industry.



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