The H2Excellence project has recently been featured in the Energiaratkaisut (energy solutions) attachment of Tekniikka & Talous which is a premier Finnish publication delivering the latest news and insights on business, technology and science. The article highlights the project’s aim to establish a national green hydrogen competence center, “Centre of Vocational Excellence (COVEs) in Green Hydrogen and Fuel Cells” in Finland and other European countries. The publication emphasizes the project’s mission to drive the development of a sustainable hydrogen economy and raise Finland’s position as a leader in green hydrogen technology supporting the EU’s green transition goals.
The H2Excellence project is coordinated by Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK). The project aims to fill the skills gap in the fields of green hydrogen technologies across Europe by providing valuable training, skills, infrastructure, technical support, and knowledge for the emerging hydrogen sector. The publication also highlights the project’s collaboration with industry stakeholders, research institutions, and regional authorities to accelerate hydrogen-related innovation and strengthen the local economy.
Interviewees included Mrs. Marja-Riitta Vest (Head of RDI at VAMK), Dr. Karna Dahal (Project Manager, H2Excelence at VAMK), Prof. Tauno Kekäle (Project Manager at Merinova), Mr. Kari Valkama (Project Manager at Merinova), and Mrs. Sanna Kangasvieri (Project Coordinator and Teacher at VAMIA) shared their views on the importance of the project and its impacts. They also emphasized the importance of international collaboration across nine European countries and Canada in creating new job opportunities and supporting the EU’s green transition goals.
Link to the publication (the H2Excellence article on page 11): GSD / Energiaratkaisut / T&T 18.10.2024.