Webinar related to advanced materials for hydrogen production and uses

CIEMAT -The Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research(www.ciemat.es), one of the 24 partners of the H2Excellence Erasmus+ project, will be organizing a conference in collaboration with The Spanish Technological Platform on Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials -MATERPLAT– (www.materplat.org) related to advanced materials for hydrogen production and uses.

This conference will feature presentations from entities and companies working on the development and application of materials to produce hydrogen using PEM, AEM, SOEC and alkaline electrolysis and their use in different processes where the development of high-performance materials is critical.

This event will be held in Spanish COVE (Centre of Vocational Excellence) at CIEMAT headquarters on Thursday, April 18, 2024, from 9:00 to 14:00 h CET.

The conference program can be accessed from this link: https://materplat.org/evento/jornada-sobre-materiales-para-produccion-y-usos-de-hidrogeno/

Virtual attendance is available using this connection: https://zoom.us/j/96377068959?pwd=M0l4amViZEZGZkhJbEFweUpZN2U2UT09

Meeting ID: 963 7706 8959

Access Code: 428065

Contact: MatH2@ciemat.es

LinkedIn: Functional Materials (FUNMATECH2) for Hydrogen Technologies
